IT players A-Z

IT players of the Eastern Slovakia

They say- there is nothing in the Eatern Slovakia. We say- there is an awesome IT world. You can discover it right here!

Place types

Types of places (i.e. restaurant, bar...), s.r.o.

Sales, service, management of computer equipment, servers and networks, websites, services to schools, consultations and advice.

4 texel, s.r.o.

Creation of websites, business cards, advertising posters. Protected workshop - advertising, promotional items, web design, logos, billboards.

A.S.Partner, s.r.o.

Use the service of presentation and voting of shareholders at the general meeting of the joint-stock company, meeting of creditors, meeting of shareholders of land associations or other meetings. The preparation, progress and processing of the results from the general assembly can thus take place smoothly and stress-free, even with a large number of participants present.

ABB Solutions Slovakia

ABB Optical Group in the United States is a leading provider of optical products, services and business solutions in the eye care industry. ABB builds on three business pillars: ABB Contact Lens, ABB Labs and ABB Business Solutions. ABB is focused on the future of eye care professionals. It helps them succeed by streamlining procedures and helping providers to effectively target market changes. For more information visit
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We are a global company that helps large and reputable companies, including 98 Fortune Global 100 companies, achieve high performance. We help them become more successful in all areas of their business. As we are still growing in Slovakia and we offer a wide variety of job opportunities, we consider it useful for you to get to know us better. We are a world leader in providing services in the field of system integration or in the implementation of the SAP system.
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Active Point s. r. o.

IT one s.r.o. company provides comprehensive services in the field of information technology, network management, data backup, installation of applications, etc. We try to relieve the customer of problems that may arise when managing computers and transfer them to our technicians. If your network is not working properly, the internet is down, computers are breaking down, everything is slow and employees are complaining about IT, you are in the right place.

ADUS Technologies s.r.o.

ADUS Technologies was founded by the current CEO Dušan Sichrovský with the vision of creating customized software solutions for regional and international customers. Since then, we have delivered many successful projects and with our agile approach we have become a stable partner for our clients.

AfB Slovakia s.r.o.

The name AfB stands for German Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderung (work for people with disabilities). Our company takes over discarded computer technology from private companies, banks, insurance companies and public institutions and tries to use as much hardware as possible so that it can continue to be used.
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Startup focuses on the development and design of the equipment (mask) that is primarily used to heat/cool air in aggravated and unfavorable conditions, thereby increasing the comfort of a person in an environment with a worsened climatic situation.


Revolutionary IT education for adults through paid internships with mentoring and interactive courses. Development of modern websites and mobile applications.

ALTO Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

For 25 years, in the field of information technology, we have specialized in systems for hotels, restaurants and other accommodation and catering establishments. It provides software equipment for customers (accommodation system, warehouse management, cash registers and a number of add-on programs) and the necessary technical means. In addition to technical means and software, we provide consultancy, user training, comprehensive service of information systems and other services.

American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic

Research and education center
Od roku 1993 je AmCham Slovakia poslaním urobiť zo Slovenska lepšie miesto pre život a podnikanie. Rýchlo sme sa vypracovali na jednu z najaktívnejších zahraničných obchodných komôr alebo obchodných komunít v krajine. Spolu s našimi členmi zdieľame víziu Slovenska ako globálne konkurencieschopnej krajiny, ktorá môže prosperovať v rýchlo sa meniacom svete 21. storočia. Spoločne robíme všetko pre to, aby sa to podarilo.
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AMI Plus, s.r.o.

We will deliver economic software for your business. We'll find out what you need. We implement a suitable business system for you. We will help with its use. We will continue to advise you via hotline, e-mail or consultations.


APONI is an innovative startup dedicated to the implementation of interactive augmented reality in businesses. The company's innovative product is the APONI view software, which serves as an effective tool for increasing quality, control and productivity in the company. The APONI VIEW software solution is an intelligent system for implementing augmented reality in a company. The system contains the principles of the concept of intelligent industry from the point of view of production, operation of machines and individualization of projects.

ARIES IT, spol. s r.o.

The origins of ARIES IT, spol. Ltd. date back to June 1989 (before the Velvet Revolution), when one of the partners founded a business for programming information systems. In 2000, the company ARIES IT, spol. Ltd. This year we will celebrate 30 years of successful activity in the given segment. During the mentioned time, we gained a lot of experience, which we pass on as part of our know-how in the implementation of information systems for company management. We have been implementing IS KARAT since 2006. Every day we work on its optimal implementation and develop new functionalities to bring it closer to the processes that take place at our customers.


ASBIS SK is one of the largest distributors of information and communication technologies, products, services, thanks to this also the largest IT distributor. It offers its customers tailor-made comprehensive solutions. ASBIS SK distributes ready-made products of world brands, such as tablets, smartphones, laptops, computers, servers and network devices, as well as IT components, complex solutions for the enterprise segment, system integrators.
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Astound Commerce

As the world’s most trusted independent digital commerce specialist, we empower success through expertly created experience-driven ecosystems that fuse ever-evolving technology, data, design, and storytelling to build meaningful and lasting relationships. With more than 20 years of expertise and thousands of experience-driven ecosystems woven into our DNA, we create unique and compelling experiences for customers across all channels and drive sustained business growth for our clients.
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AUSYS s.r.o.

AUSYS s.r.o. is a company focused on providing services in the field of industrial automation. The main activities include programming of PLC, PAC control systems, HMI visualization applications, robotic manipulators, vision systems, design and production of electrical switchboards, and design and implementation of machine safety.

Backend Systems s.r.o.

Backend was founded in 2015. We work on projects with the vision of helping companies achieve their goals with effective and innovative solutions. Because we believe that there are no shortcuts on the road to success, we design customized web systems for clients without templates. We work with unique code and thus create pages or applications providing an ideal user experience.

BAJAN company s.r.o.

Digital marketing
We design functional things. We follow trends and then implement them in our work. The word custom has a special meaning for us, because we do not know how to work with templates. We create visual content that catches the eye. Not only on the web, but also on social networks, billboards, citylights or printed materials. Our team of designers is young and creative, ready for your assignment. s.r.o.

Digital marketing
We create digital products that improve our lives in health, sports and e-commerce. For more than 24 years. With more than 50 full-stack developers, we always bring our clients the latest proven technologies and processes. Our clients mainly include companies from the European Union. Our biggest success is that we have long-term and stable projects and a stable team of people with minimal turnover. Digital products for a better life. Now!
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BE-SOFT a.s.

BE-SOFT, a.s. was established in 1999 in Slovakia and in 2019 expanded its operations to the Czech Republic under the name BE-SOFT SERVICES CZ a.s. The balance of our activity is a stable and leading position on the market, a constantly expanding base of mainly large network clients and professional experience in the field of our activity.

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering deals with the production of titanium alloy implants using 3D printing. As such, implants are custom-made precisely thanks to the data provided by doctors, mainly from data obtained from CT scans or magnetic resonance imaging. One of the co-founders of the company is also the head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Measurement of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Technical University in Košice Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD.

BIZ1 s.r.o.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is software with which you automate company processes thanks to virtual robots. Robots are designed to perform repetitive process-oriented tasks just as a human would, but faster, error-free and without downtime (24/7). The robot will become your automated employee. The goal of RPA is to minimize for companies and their employees work that is trivial, routine, unpopular, does not bring high value and does not require complex decision-making.

Blue Lemons s.r.o

Blue Lemons is a company focused on creating digital innovations. Our major focuses are on design and user experience is what sets us apart from other development companies, and ultimately what makes our applications more efficient. Simply put, we create applications that people like to use.
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British Chamber of Commerce in Slovak Republic

Research and education center
Britská obchodná komora v Slovenskej republike (BCCSR) je nezisková organizácia, ktorá sa venuje vytváraniu a rozvíjaniu obchodných vzťahov medzi Spojeným kráľovstvom a Slovenskou republikou. BCCSR usilovne pracuje na vytváraní nových zahraničných aj domácich príležitostí pre svojich členov pri poskytovaní podujatí, budovaní spojení a ponúkaní marketingových riešení.

BSC SK s.r.o.

BSC has been providing solutions to financial institutions since its foundation in 1990. We are among the leaders in the development and supply of SW solutions for financial institutions.

Cancom Slovakia

CANCOM is a leading partner for digital transformation. We support our customers in increasing their business success by introducing modern technologies and tailor-made hybrid IT solutions. We offer several IT solutions, especially in the field of information security, networks, cloud solutions (private and public), mobility solutions and hosting. We employ more than 4,000 people worldwide in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Slovakia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
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Cassovia Code

Cassovia Code digital studio develops software solutions. It was established in 2011 and today our team has more than 25 professionals in 3 locations - Košice, Bratislava and Prague. Individual approach and care for your project are paramount for us. We believe that the quality of our solutions and the affordable price are the right combination that will convince you that we are the right partner for your project.


The company RD-System Slovakia spol. Ltd. has been operating on the Slovak market since 2006. We are a dynamic company focused on the implementation and management of IT technologies. Since 2000, the main activity of our company has been the development of software and hardware in the field of mobile communication. We offer an innovative and complete project solution from the design to the final product.


CEELABS is a progressive startup, an example of a successful connection of scientific research activities with practice. A team consisting of specialists and researchers working in the Laboratory of Computer Networks at the Department of Computers and Informatics of FEI TUKE, as well as external collaborators, developed an innovative solution in the field of the emerging trend of the Internet of Things.


Startup CeoHire focuses on the development of a solution for the search and hiring of talent for managerial and managerial positions based on the use of modern and innovative approaches of data analysis, processing of publicly available resources and machine learning.

Cequence is a software solution for transparent and efficient management of contracts and related processes. The solution turns the manual tasks associated with creating, negotiating and concluding contracts into meaningful, automated processes.

CHASTIA s.r.o.

The company's mission is to develop and offer software and services in the field of graphic information systems, data security (targeting the actual state of campuses, buildings, TZB, etc.), preparation and processing of data into electronic form and their implementation into the Chastia FM information system.


CHECkuP - Cognitive HEalthCare Platform is an innovative platform aimed at improving the quality of healthcare in households. Digitizes current information on the condition of patients dependent on home care. It makes the work of health agencies and their workers easier.

Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Jána Krstiteľa

Educational institution
Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Jána Krstiteľa Trebišov začalo svoju činnosť 1. 9. 1995 ako prvé gréckokatolícke gymnázium na Slovensku. 25 rokov jeho existencie potvrdzuje, že úspešne nadväzuje na dobré tradície cirkevného školstva v meste Trebišov a jeho regióne a má svoje opodstatnenie na trhu stredných škôl. Zriaďovateľom školy je Gréckokatolícka eparchia Košice. Škola je alternatívou štátnej školy.

Cisco Systems

Educational institution
Cisco is a global leader in IT, helping companies seize the opportunities of the future and proving that by connecting everything that has not yet been connected, amazing things can be achieved. Cisco Systems, Inc. is one of the largest computer companies of today and a dominant player in the field of network elements. Cisco is a global leader in networking services that are changing the way people connect, communicate and collaborate.


Náš tím má špičkové vzdelanie, zvedavosť, schopnosť viesť ľudí a oddanosť hodnotám. Dávame dôraz na analytické zmýšľanie a naše poradenstvo zakladáme na faktoch. Preto majú naše služby vysokú hodnotu za peniaze.


We are a dynamic company operating in the field of information technology, focused on the implementation of specific products, the development of customized software solutions and the provision of professional consulting services in an international environment.

ComAp Slovakia

ComAp is international company with its headquarters in Prague, globally operating 13 subsidiaries. It leads the way in providing highly flexible, intuitive, and scalable smart power control solutions.That solutions and company culture would not be here without 500+ employees. The worldwide network of thesubsidiaries, distributors and channel partners enables to think globally while support locally. ComAp Slovakia in Košice provides R&D for inhouse SW and HW.
job portal s. r. o.

We are a software development company. The subject of our activity is computer services and services related to computer data processing. We create software products and solutions aimed at optimizing processes and tasks in the corporate environment, in an effort to eliminate errors, increase security, performance and profits.

COMPSERVICE, spol. s r.o. Košice

The main activity of the company is the sale and implementation of economic information systems within the East Slovak region. The company's customers are mainly small and medium-sized, but also large agricultural, business and engineering enterprises. Currently COMPSERVICE spol s r.o. contractually ensures the operation of economic information systems in more than 250 companies.

CONA, s.r.o.

CONA, s.r.o. is a creator of information systems and software, system integrator, network and VT administrator. For companies, we provide contractual service of information systems, including the construction of metallic or optical data distribution, services in the area of ​​the Internet, management of Linux systems, web hosting and domain registration.

CondorNet, s.r.o.

CondorNet has long been the highest quality and most reliable provider of high-speed optical connection to the Internet network in Prešov.

CONNECT pro, s.r.o.

We are a modern dynamic company. In the field of our business, we present ourselves as a company capable of offering solutions tailored to the specific conditions of a particular customer. We differ from a large number of competing companies by the complexity of our services, including design and engineering activities.

COOPEX Soft, spol. s r.o.

The company COOPEX Soft, spol. Ltd. was founded in 1992 and deals mainly with the creation of custom software and the provision of related services. The company is headquartered in Prešov and has branches in Bratislava and Považská Bystrica.
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