IT players A-Z

IT players of the Eastern Slovakia

They say- there is nothing in the Eatern Slovakia. We say- there is an awesome IT world. You can discover it right here!

Educational institution

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Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Jána Krstiteľa

Educational institution
Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Jána Krstiteľa Trebišov začalo svoju činnosť 1. 9. 1995 ako prvé gréckokatolícke gymnázium na Slovensku. 25 rokov jeho existencie potvrdzuje, že úspešne nadväzuje na dobré tradície cirkevného školstva v meste Trebišov a jeho regióne a má svoje opodstatnenie na trhu stredných škôl. Zriaďovateľom školy je Gréckokatolícka eparchia Košice. Škola je alternatívou štátnej školy.

Cisco Systems

Educational institution
Cisco is a global leader in IT, helping companies seize the opportunities of the future and proving that by connecting everything that has not yet been connected, amazing things can be achieved. Cisco Systems, Inc. is one of the largest computer companies of today and a dominant player in the field of network elements. Cisco is a global leader in networking services that are changing the way people connect, communicate and collaborate.

Digital League o.z.

Educational institution
Digital League is an educational program focused on the creation of digital innovations. Participants are part of multidisciplinary teams where, under the supervision of professional mentors and coaches, you will create a product that will gain real users.

Green Fox Academy

Educational institution
Spoločnosť Green Fox Academy (GFA) bola založená v roku 2015 v maďarskej Budapešti, kde sa veľmi rýchlo stala jednotkou na trhu. Doteraz jej kurzy programovania absolvovalo viac ako 1000 študentov a má viac ako 95 partnerských firiem. V roku 2018 vstúpila na český trh, kedy bol v Prahe zahájený prvý kurz od GFA pre junior programátorov a od druhej polovice roku 2020 funguje aj na Slovensku. Viac informácií nájdete na

Gymnázium Snina

Educational institution
Gymnázium v Snine ponúka moderné vzdelávanie s takmer 70-ročnou tradíciou v 4-ročnom a 8-roč

Gymnázium, Alejová 1

Educational institution
Naša škola s viac ako 30-ročnou tradíciou ponúka kvalitné vzdelanie v oblasti matematiky, jazy

Gymnázium, P. Horova

Educational institution
Prioritným poslaním Gymnázia Pavla Horova je vychovať vzdelaného, tvorivého študenta s vlastným názorom a pozitívnym prístupom k životu, pripraveného a otvoreného na celoživotné vzdelávanie.

Gymnázium, P. J. Šafárika

Educational institution
Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika je stredná škola v Rožňave, zameraná na všeobecné vzdelanie v štvorročnom a osemročnom štúdiu. Nachádza sa na ulici Akademika Hronca 1.

Gymnázium, Poštová 9

Educational institution
Poslaním školy je rozvíjať poznanie a poskytovať vysoko kvalitné úplné všeobecné stredoškolské vzdelávanie zamerané predovšetkým na prípravu pre štúdium na vysokých školách.

Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1, Košice

Educational institution
Naša škola patrí medzi najstaršie v Košiciach, má bohatú tradíciu a aktivity. Gymnázium sa nachádza neďaleko historického centra, preto je poloha školy naším veľkým benefitom. Budova školy patrí k najkrajším v Košiciach, výrazne dotvára obraz blízkeho okolia, je vkusným príkladom začiatku secesie v Košiciach, príkladom dekorativizmu, tvarovej a materiálovej nápaditosti a v minulosti bola vyhlásená za kultúrnu pamiatku.

Obchodná akadémia Trebišov

Educational institution
Škola s viac ako 50-ročnou tradíciou vychovala tisícky ekonómov a množstvo úspešných osobností v iných oblastiach vedy, kultúry a umenia. Moderná škola umožňuje žiakom nadobudnúť vedomosti, teoretické, praktické zručnosti, rozvíjať svoju osobnosť, prezentovať schopnosti a nadanie v súťažiach, zmysluplne vyplniť voľný čas prácou v športových krúžkoch i na školských podujatiach a pripraviť sa na úspešné začlenenie do pracovného aj spoločenského života.


Educational institution
We are a civil association whose goal is to contribute to the development of a modern digital society. We focus on the field of digital education, employment support, development and creation of public-private partnerships and volunteering with priority in the Košice region. We prepare and support various professional and educational activities, projects, programs and initiatives.

SPLASH International School

Educational institution
Naši pedagogickí experti identifikovali desať princípov, ktoré poskytnú študentom tú najlepšiu príležitosť rozvíjať sa na ich vzdelávacej ceste. Nie sú to len teoretické koncepty, ale praktické nápady, ktoré môže každý učiteľ zapracovať do svojich hodín.

Spojená škola Kollarová Sečovce

Educational institution
Spojená škola Sečovce je moderná stredná škola, ktorá poskytuje kvalitnú prípravu na vysokoškolské štúdium a pre potreby informačnej znalostnej ekonomiky. Je vyústením bohatej tradície vzdelávania v meste Sečovce. Snaží sa byť širokospektrálnou školou s ponukou rôznych študijných odborov, materiálne a technicky dobre vybavenou, vzdelávajúcou rôzne vekové kategórie uchádzačov schopných uplatniť sa na trhu práce.

Stredná odborná škola Jozefa Szakkayho

Educational institution
Jozef Szakkay Vocational Secondary School located in the center of Košice offers students a choice of various interesting fields of technical and IT nature, such as Technical Lyceum-Informatics, Mechatronics (cooperation with LVD Tornaľ), Business Academy, Electrical Engineering, Regional Tourism Management. As part of the higher professional studies, fields - mechanical engineering - logistics and management in road transport.

Stredná odborná škola, Ostrovského 1, Košice

Educational institution
Years of existence have led us to the need to adapt to the current demands of society in the framework of creating new opportunities for the study of not only students, but also teachers. That is why we have made the offer of study and learning fields at our school more attractive - information and network technologies, advertising creation, technical lyceum - intelligent systems, technical lyceum - real estate brokerage, sports management. There are also fields of study with an extended number of hours of practical teaching - computer network mechanic, digital media graphic designer, construction installation equipment mechanic.

Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, Komenského, Košice

Educational institution
In the school year 2020/2021, there are 829 students studying at the school (data as of 15/09/2020) in 29 classes, of which 3 classes (81 students) are in dual post-matriculation higher professional studies, which the school provides in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia s.r.o. (formerly T-SYSTEMS). Part of the practical teaching in the post-baccalaureate study is provided by experts from Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia s.r.o.. A total of 102 internal employees work in the school, which also includes a school dormitory and a school canteen.

Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, Plzenská 1, Prešov

Educational institution
We currently offer the following majors: electrical engineering, information and network technologies, technical and IT services in electrical engineering. The Electrotechnical Industrial School in Prešov is one of the dominant secondary schools in eastern Slovakia. According to the INEKO assessment, in 2013 the school was ranked first in Slovakia and in 2014 it was ranked second. We can be proud of more than eight thousand graduates who have found and are still finding good employment in practice.

Stredná priemyselná škola techniky a dizajnu, Mnoheľova 828, 058 46 Poprad

Educational institution
Since 1964, the Poprad Industrial High School has been preparing graduates for independent technical work in the design, production, operation and maintenance of equipment in accordance with the focus by department on graphic systems, mechatronics, civil engineering, construction management, industrial informatics, information and telecommunication systems, computer systems, promotional graphics and graphic and spatial design. It prepares students in the following fields of study: electrical engineering - industrial informatics, electrical engineering - information and telecommunication systems, electrical engineering - computer systems, mechatronics, construction - architecture and interior design, construction - civil engineering, construction - construction management, promotional graphics, design - graphic and spatial design.

Stredná priemyselná škola, Snina

Educational institution
The secondary industrial school of technology and design in Poprad offers students to work in various foreign and national projects. The study is in the fields of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electrical engineering, construction, graphic and spatial design.

Súkromné gymnázium FUTURUM

Educational institution
FUTURUM profiles itself as an IT and bilingual high school. Their goal is to be a modern school of this century and enable students to grow not only in knowledge, but also in experience and humanity. We guide them to develop necessary skills such as communication, presentation, conflict resolution and stress management. We do not leave out issues of a healthy lifestyle and helping others. Thanks to this, students become more self-confident, goal-oriented, independent and proactive people.

Súkromné gymnázium Katkin Park 2

Educational institution
Private gymnasium with a focus on Applied Informatics. General studies at the gymnasium enriched with specialist subjects within informatics. Students learn to program mainly in Python, but they also learn about technologies for creating websites. In addition, in cooperation with the Syntax company, we have classes focused on cloud management, virtualization and DevOps. After school, our graduates can excel in the IT sector, but also in other industries that require digitally capable people.

Súkromné gymnázium, Dneperská 1, Košice

Educational institution
The private gymnasium Dneperská offers a focus on programming and computer science | reinforced teaching of foreign languages ​​and mathematics | profiling option | participation in international competitions and projects | cooperation with universities and companies

Technická univerzita Košice

Educational institution
The Technical University in Košice covers a wide range of educational needs not only for the region of eastern Slovakia, but in many fields it is the only center of science, research and education in Slovakia. It closely cooperates with other universities and with the industrial background of the region and the whole of Slovakia. A total of almost 10,000 students study at the nine faculties of TUKE and more than 700 professors, docents, assistants and the same number of research and technical-economic workers work.

Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Prírodovedecká fakulta

Educational institution
The Faculty of Science of UPJŠ in Košice offers computer science education in the study programs Informatics, Applied Informatics, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence and also prepares teachers of the academic subject Informatics in combination with other subjects. The Department of Informatics carries out research in the field of theoretical informatics, computer security and data and cognitive sciences.
job portal

Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach

Educational institution
VŠBM v Košiciach sa venuje vysokoškolskému vzdelávaniu odborníkov v širokom meradle s koncentráciou na poznatky z oblasti práva, bezpečnostných vied, ekonomiky, technických vied, logistiky, environmentalistiky a iných oblastí. Široké spektrum vyučovaných predmetov dáva absolventovi základy poznania nevyhnutné pre reálne zhodnotenie každodenných požiadaviek kladených na manažéra v praxi a správne rozhodnutie s dôrazom na aspekty bezpečnosti.
1-32 of 32 results