Eastcubator Košice

Hviezdoslavova 7
04001 Košice
We do not perform miracles and we do not claim to do so. We help start-up entrepreneurs, mainly from the IT field, to start their business, first of all to find customers, then partners and later investors. In our premises, you can experience the atmosphere of a beehive, where even the walls breathe with experience. You may be wondering why pay for space in an incubator, when you have it at home for free. No one will probably tell you this, but we know from our own experience that working from home has its disadvantages. The boundary between work and home gradually disappears hand in hand with motivation, and your enthusiasm gradually fades. When you come to us, it's like going to work... but you don't have grumpy colleagues, but a young team in which everyone works on their own yourself. Whether you come is up to you...